My manager and I were discussing my development when he waved a flyer at me. It was for a programme called ‘Self As Instrument’, an idea which immediately fascinated me. It seemed so unlike any of the leadership programmes I’d seen.
Many leadership programmes give you the theory, some give the practice, but I don’t know of any which invite you to pay attention to the sensations in our bodies.
So, I attended the Self As Instrument programme, led by Eunice.
This programme was really very different. Very powerful. I think what was new to me was the attention that you give to the body and its sensations. It really helped me find out what really mattered, my purpose.
We were encouraged to go deep, to understand who you really are and use that information to become a more authentic leader.
You’re much less interested in trying to do what you believe a good leader should do, you’re just much more trusting yourself.
In my role as head of talent and leadership in my organisation, I’d been asked to create a programme for our female executives. I was fortunate that Eunice became part of that co-design journey.
Eunice managed to create a space where everyone was willing to be fully open and embrace things even though at first sight it seemed challenging or scary. It was a powerful learning space in which you just trusted that there was someone who could hold you if you as you engaged in the learning.
Several of the women who have been part of that programme have progressed in the company. One of my colleagues is part of the executive team. We have also formed a very nice bond among ourselves.
I feel that in case you need the support or advice of someone, these are women who you can go to and I think most of the colleagues who’ve been part of the female executive programme, if not all, would say that the learning has helped them find themselves as leaders and access their power.
They’re now listening to the signals of their bodies. They trust themselves much more. They trust themselves to be themselves much more.
Anja Wideburg – Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Yara International

Anja Wideburg – Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Yara International