Eunice Aquilina

My work is inspired by my own journey, learning to be present to the inner voice of wisdom and in that finding the courage to step into my power.  I am passionate about co-creating spaces where leaders can come together in an authentic way, learning to sense, act and respond in more conscious and heartfelt way to what is unfolding around them.

I bring a unique combination of experience, research and insight drawn from over three decades working in and with large global organisations on leadership and organisation development.  Working collaboratively with my clients, I invite them into their own enquiry, supporting them to discover their purpose, presence and impact, finding who they need to become to lead authentically and with integrity.

I believe that our ability to act powerfully and sustainably is rooted in authenticity and is the ground for my work.  Authenticity underpins my commitment to co-creation, coming alongside my clients, fostering trust and empowering them to achieve what they want to achieve.

I continue to be inspired and learn from the leaders I work with.